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FM Достоевский 346 от 1 ноября 2003 года

1. Louie Austen (Austria) "Pain" CD "Easy Love" (Cheap / Kitty-Yo)
[Zvezdinsky By Solar X]

2. Dynamite Club (USA) "Nicole Kidman Shades" CD "The Legend Of Tiger Mask" (Big Sleep)
[Beefheart Goes Lo-fi Punky]

3. Fernanda Porto (Brazil) "Tanta Besteira" CD "Fernanda Porto" (Trama)
[Simply Very Nice]

4. Hubtone (UK) "Winter Pollen" CD "Interiors" (Repap)
[Joins The Club Of Gnac, Lucky Pierre Etc]

5. Whirlwind Heat (USA) "Pink" CD "Do Rabbits Wonder?" (Third Man / V2)
[Quirky Post-punk Hysteria]

6. Luis Morais (Cabo Verde) "Stora Mais Stora" CD "Novidade De Mindelo" (Harmonia)
[Total Sweetness By Evora's Clarinetist]

7. Anjali (UK) "Seven X Eight" CD "The World Of Lady A" (Wiiija)
[The Best In Sleazy Lounge This Year]

8. El Guapo (USA) "Hawks" CD "Fake French" (Dischord)
[Sort Of Slowcore Pop Punk... Really Remarkable]

9. Felix Laband (South Africa) "Wilddog" CD "4/4 Down The Stairs" (African Dope)
[Witty White Electronica]

10. Agricantus (Italy) "Spiranza" CD "Calura" (Look Studio / CNI)
[Ethnodub Molto Romantico]

11. Redondo Beat (Germany) "Remember (Walking In The Sand)" CD "Les Enfants Garagesque" (Soul Sale)
[German Gallon Drunk... Good]

12. Mates Of State (USA) "Throw Down" CD "My Solo Project" (Polyvinyl)
[Post-stereolab Futu-pop]

13. The Jeevas (UK) "You Got My Number" CD "1234" (Cowboy Music)
[Hi-nrg Garage Rock]

14. Les Reines Prochaines (Switzerland) "Je Fume" CD "Protest Und Vasen" (Make Up / Rec Rec)
[Extended Version (girls, Keyboards...) Of Tiger Lillies]

15. Davide Balula (France) "Um So Piolio" CD "Pellicule" (Active Suspension)
[Incredibly Unusual Electro-acoustic Songs... Special Stuff]

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FM_Dostoevsky_N346_2003.11.01.mp351.21 Мб146.32
FM_Dostoevsky_N346_2003.11.01_32kbps.mp312.81 Мб50.38
FM_Dostoevsky_N346_2003.11.01.cue1.79 кб
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